Did you know...neutering can have significant healthcare benefits for your pet? Here are just a few of the benefits…
It is usual for male kittens to be castrated from around four months of age before they start developing habits such as urine marking around the house. Female kittens come in to heat every three weeks and become pregnant very easily. Therefore, we advise spaying from around four months of age.
We usually recommend female dogs are spayed before their first season at six months of age, except for certain larger breeds; in which case we recommend before their second season. As well as preventing unwanted pregnancies, early spaying has been proven to result in a huge reduction in the occurrence of mammary tumours in older female dogs. It also prevents life-threatening uterus infections. This protection is dramatically reduced after the second season.
We usually start talking about castration for male dogs from six months of age, before they start to develop male traits, such as roaming and urine marking. This also reduces the risk of developing prostate problems, anal tumours and testicular cancer. Also, by having them castrated at a young age, this may reduce the risk of them being stolen for breeding.
If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with us. We’ll talk through the options and discuss what’s best for your pet, considering their age and breed.
You may also be interested to know that as part of our Pet Health for Life Plan, there’s up to 30% off on neutering included. Click here to find out more.