When is it the right time?
Never an easy question. When a medical condition or old age leads to pain or distress that can no longer be managed, we will find ourselves considering the option of euthanasia. Euthanasia is a very sad and difficult choice to be faced with for our clients. However, when that choice has to be made, we will be there to support you through it.
What are my options?
Please contact us to discuss your concerns if you feel your pet may require this service and anyone of our staff will talk you through what will happen next. Some people will prefer to be with their pets in the final moments, while others find it too difficult. A consultation with one of our vets will allow us to go through all the options available, including cremation services so that you can choose the best combination for you and your pet. At our Dudley Hospital, we have a dedicated Bereavement Room to give you time and privacy in these intimate moments.
I’m finding it hard to cope. Is there anyone I can speak to?
We know how difficult a pet’s end-of-life journey can be for the rest of the family and think no-one should ever suffer alone. We are always willing to help, listen and advise you on the options and how to cope, but did you know that there are some great services out there that are even better equipped to offer support such as the Blue Cross and Compassion Understood?
Compassion Understood provide clear, reliable information about our pet’s end-of-life. They aim to:
Guide you in planning for this difficult time
Help you make the right decisions
Provide clear and accessible information
Help you cope with the passing of your beloved pet
Please visit www.compassionunderstood.com
Blue Cross offer a Pet Bereavement Support Service to support those suffering from the loss of a pet. They aim to:
- Prepare you for this difficult time
- Offer help in making the right decisions
- Provide free and confidential emotional support
- Help you share your pet loss with people who understand
- Provide you with a range of helpful literature to download
- Help children come to terms with pet loss
Please visit www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-bereavement-support
For when the time comes…
If you are thinking about having your pet cremated, you will want to ensure they are treated with love and dignity to give them the farewell they deserve. We work with CPC to be able to offer an excellent service and high-quality range of remembrance choices for your loved one.
For more guidance on the services and remembrance choices available from CPC, including caskets, urns and tributes please click here