Microchipping is a permanent ID system, which involves a chip, no bigger than a grain of rice being implanted under the skin of your pet’s scruff.
Following the Government's announcement on Monday 13 March, it's now mandatory for all cat owners in England to ensure your cats, older than 20 weeks, are microchipped by Saturday, 10 June 2024. Failure to comply with this legislation may result in a fine of up to £500.
Call us today to book an appointment!
- Blacks Vets Dudley: 01384 252509
- Blacks Vets Sedgley: 01902 670900
- Blacks Vets Lye: 01384 897632
- Blacks Vets Quinton: 0121 248 9003
- Blacks Vets Oldbury: 0121 552 9996
Each microchip has a unique number, which can be read by a portable scanner, which most vets, including all Blacks Vets branches, local authorities and rescue homes have access too; ensuring your contact details can be easily obtained from the central microchipping database. Once your pet has been scanned and identified by their microchip, a simple phone call can reunite you with your pet.
Not registered with us yet? Register your pet here.
Book a microchipping appointment
Bert and Freda have their microchipping questions answered…
Since April 2016 all dogs MUST be Microchipped AND correctly registered BY LAW
- Microchipped but not sure if your details are correct? Check petlog.org.uk or call Petlog on 01296 336579
- Not yet Microchipped?…Although the law only applies to dogs, we are extending our support to cats and rabbits too – we know how it feels to lose a pet and we want to help
Microchipping is not only for dogs, but also for cats, ferrets, rabbits, snakes, parrot, tortoises and horses and comes highly recommended by all the team at Blacks Vets. It is now also a legal requirement for all dogs to be microchipped, and all puppies must be vaccinated by 8 weeks of age before ownership is transferred from the breeder. You can be fined up to £500.00 if your dog is not microchipped. It is also worth noting, that if you are planning on taking your pet abroad, they must be microchipped and have a pet passport.
It is very common for injured cats and dogs that have not managed to make their way home to be brought into one of our surgeries by good Samaritans. Unless they are microchipped and registration details are up to date it can be very difficult to reunite them with their owners who are undoubtedly very upset to have lost them.
Microchipping your pet at Blacks Vets
Sedation is not necessary for the implantation of the microchip as this procedure causes minimal discomfort and can be done in a routine consultation. And don’t worry if you can’t recall (or know) if your pet is microchipped – It is very easy to check for a microchip using a scanner. We can arrange for a member of the team at one of our Blacks Vets branches to scan your pet and check for a working chip. Rest assured, we all always check that an animal hasn’t already got a microchip before implanting a new one.
At the time of implant, you will be asked to complete a registration form, from which your details are then submitted to a national database by a Blacks Vets team member. Your details are kept on the database for your pet’s lifetime, and the fee for this is included in the cost of implantation.
It is important to update any changes to your contact details as soon as possible. At Blacks Vets, all our microchips comply with the International Standard (ISO) and can, therefore, be recognised by scanners abroad when used in the Pet Passport scheme.
For more information, please speak to one of our friendly team members.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When does the new law for Dogs start?
6 April 2016
What is the fine if my details are not up to date or my dog does not have a microchip?
How can owners / “keepers” check the details on their dog’s microchip are up to date?
Easy, online at www.petlog.org.uk place the pet’s microchip number in the ‘Look up a microchip’ field on the homepage and press go. If the microchip number is one that is registered with Petlog the keeper is then prompted to add their Petlog ID which is unique to the pet and can be found on their confirmation of registration. They can then check and print their details if they wish. If the pet is not registered with Petlog the keeper will be prompted to contact the relevant database or the Petlog Customer Care Team on: 01296 336579.
My dog is microchipped / may be microchipped but I have lost the paperwork?
If a new keeper cannot obtain paperwork or has nothing to confirm that the pet belongs to them they should contact us on: 01296 336579 we will take the microchip number of the pet and their details, place them against the record requested for change as ‘pending’ whilst we check our records and verify that the change requested can take place. If you believe your pet is microchipped but you do not have the number or want to check the details, simply call into one of our branches and a member of our team can scan the chip for you. We can also then direct you to where to update the details if necessary.
Are Vets expected to enforce the law?
No. The law will be enforced by local authorities, police constables and community support officers.
What is the best phone number for owners to contact Pet Log with microchip queries?
Pet Log’s Customer Care Team are available for enquiries on www.petlog.org.uk or by telephone on: Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 01296 336579 option 3 Open 24/7 365 days a year 01296 336579 option 1 for lost pets, option 2 for found pets.
Join Pet Health for Life today!

To spread the cost of routine and essential healthcare for your pet, we offer our Pet Health for Life plan, which includes microchipping, 2 vet consultations and 2 nurse consultation per year.