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Dr Ana Xavier

Dr Ana Xavier

Lead Veterinary Surgeon


Ana is originally from Lisbon, Portugal and qualified as a vet after completing her Masters thesis in extrahepatic biliary tract disorders in dogs and cats, with particular emphasis in gallbladder disease and bile peritonitis.

Ana has trained in referrals hospitals both in Paris and Sydney before moving to the UK to our neighbouring Worcester. Now she has her sights set on the BOSTIN Black Country! Passionate about expanding her skills, Ana is currently undertaking a Cert in Small Animal Medicine. She is very passionate about her job and loves to see cases through.

Ana and her husband, who is also a vet, have an adorable rescue dog Marmalade (featured in her photo) and two black and white rescue cats Panda and Puffin. They both love a good, long dog walk in the great outdoors but at the moment they’re embracing the opportunity to spend some time doing a bit of DIY!